Science degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.
Academic status: Professor.
Place of work: Omsk State Transport University, Omsk.
Position: Professor of the Physical Education and Sports Department.
AuthorID: 453908.
Defended her dissertation in 2003 on the topic “Forming personal health culture of in the educational system of physical education”, which presented a solution to the issue of health-improving education of preschoolers, schoolchildren and students. Specific methods and approaches to the health-improvement of different age groups were also identified. Has more than 160 publications, many of which are dedicated to issues of health-improving and adaptive physical culture.Trained 8 Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences.
Specialty code: 5.8.4. – Physical culture and professional physical training (pedagogical sciences); 5.8.6. – Health and adaptive physical culture (pedagogical sciences).