Registration of participants is over. The event was held and is in the archive.
Information letter
Dear colleagues!
We invite you to take part in the work
The organizers of the Congress:
Problem Commission "Chronobiology and chronomedicine" RAMS
Federal state budgetary institution " North Caucasus Federal scientific and clinical center of the Federal medical and biological Agency»
Venue: date:
Fsbi fncc October 1-4, 2018
FMBA of Russia in Essentuki
program Committee:
Ter-Akopov G. N.-candidate of economic Sciences, General Director of the Federal state budgetary institution "North Caucasus Federal scientific and clinical center of the Federal medical and biological Agency"
Chibisov S. M.-doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of General pathology and pathological physiology named after V. A. Frolov of the medical Institute of the RUSSIAN people's friendship University of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the problem Commission "Chronobiology and chronomedicine" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician OF
Rapoport S. I. - doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, honored scientist of Russia, academician ramtn, chief researcher of research division of health technologies research center Federal STATE "First Moscow state medical University named after I. M. Sechenov" Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, co-Chairman of the problem Commission "Chronobiology and chronomedicine" RAS (MSMU n.a. I. M. Sechenova, Moscow).
organizing Committee
Chairman of the organizing Committee:
Koryagina Yu. V. doctor of biological Sciences, Professor, head of the center of medical and biological technologies of the Federal state budgetary institution
Members of the organizing Committee:
Blagonravov M. L. |
doctor of medical Sciences, associate Professor (RUDN, Moscow) |
Efimenko N. V |
MD, PhD (Federal scientific clinical center of FMBA of Russia, Essentuki) |
Goryachev V. A. |
PhD (peoples ' friendship University, Moscow) |
Kaisinova A. S. |
doctor of medical Sciences, Professor (fsbu PGNIIK FMBA Russia, Pyatigorsk) |
Ragozin O. N. |
doctor of medical Sciences, Professor (KHANTY-Mansiysk state medical Academy, Khanty-Mansiysk) |
Dovbushanka T. M. |
Ph. D. (fgbu PGNIIK FMBA of Russia, Pyatigorsk) |
Participation in the Congress is possible in the following forms:
- Plenary report
- Lecture
- Poster presentation
- Report in sections
- Participation by correspondence (only publication of the materials).
Fundamental problems of chronobiology and chronomedicine:
- Philosophical categories of space and time and biorhythms.
- Biotropic effects of space weather: new research directions.
- Methods of registration, mathematical analysis of biorhythms.
- Genetics of biorhythms.
- The moon and biorhythms.
- Modern ideas about the mechanisms of biorhythms.
Applied aspects of chronobiology and chronomedicine:
- Chronodiagnostic and chronotherapy in the clinic of internal diseases.
- Chronopharmacology.
- Biorhythms and sports.
- Mental illness and biorhythms.
- Bio-controlled devices in chronodiagnostic and therapy.
- The pineal gland, melatonin and biorhythms.
- Biorhythms in gynecology.
In the program of the Congress:
- Report on the work of the problem Commission "Chronobiology and chronomedicine" RAMS for the period 2012-2018. Speaker S. M. Chibisov.
- Making decisions of the Congress. The Rapporteur Is S. I. Rapoport.
- Plenary meeting.
- Lectures by leading scientists and specialists.
- Breakout session.
- Master classes.
- Exhibition of medical equipment.
Form of participation:
- Full-time lecture, report.
- Full-time (listener).
- Correspondence (publication of articles).
- Participation in the exhibition of medical equipment.
To participate in the Congress are invited:
Heads of scientific, educational, medical and Spa institutions, doctors of various profiles, scientists, graduate students, applicants, representatives of companies producing medical products.
Applications for participation in the Congress are accepted until September 15, 2018 inclusive at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
1. Surname, name, patronymic of the author (co-authors) |
2. Form of participation (Full-time with the report/full-Time (listener)/Correspondence (publication of articles)/Participant of the exhibition of medical equipment |
3. Academic degree, title |
4. Position |
5. Organization |
6. Address (index, city, street) |
7. Phone / Fax (area code) |
8. E-mail |
9. Title of the report / article |
10. Scientific direction of the Congress |
12. Necessary demonstration equipment |
13. Need to book a hotel |
14. Arrival/departure date |
The conference materials will be published in the electronic online journal "Modern issues of Biomedicine" (the journal is included in the RSCI and Google scholar scientific citation databases, the publication is free) and/or the journal " Resort medicine "(the journal is included in the list of HAC, RSCI and Google scholar scientific citation databases, the cost of publication is 3000 rubles).
Requirements for publication of articles in the journal "Modern issues of Biomedicine "(journal's website
- Review articles, original research, clinical observations and short reports are accepted for publication. Published materials must be relevant, have scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance.
- Articles sent earlier for publication in other publications are not allowed to be printed.
- The article should be prepared in the Word editor, printed in Times New Roman font, size – 14, line spacing-1.5, indent of the first line-1.25 cm.
- The original article should contain the results of their own research. The volume of the original article is 6-10 pages. In the review of literature and lectures possible volume of 12 pages.
- The structure of the article of the original research should be as follows: introduction, purpose of the research, methods and organization of the research, research results and their discussion, conclusion, references, illustrative material. Reviews and short messages may have a different structure.
- All articles must have a summary with keywords. The summary includes the purpose of the study and its results. The volume of the summary is 10-12 lines.
- Резюме, ключевые слова, фамилии и инициалы авторов, полное наименование учреждения переводятся на английский язык.
- The article allows the use of common abbreviations (units of measurement, physical, chemical and mathematical quantities and terms) and abbreviations. All letters entered by the author must be deciphered in the text of the article at their first mention. When entering an abbreviation, it should be written in parentheses after decoding, then use only the abbreviation.
- The list of references should be arranged alphabetically according to GOST 7.1-2003. Also, the list of references should be presented in English in accordance with the Russian version.
- References in the text are given in square brackets in accordance with the numbers of the list of references. All authors of the article are indicated, the indication ", etc. (et al.) "- is not allowed, because the reduction of the author's team to 2-3 names entails the loss of citations of unnamed co-authors. The literature should be indicated with the title of the articles. References to unpublished works are not allowed.
- Articles accepted for publication are subject to scientific review and editing. The editorial Board reserves the right to shorten and correct articles.
- Drawings with signatures should be laid out in the place of the article where they should be located. Separately sent a file in the format of a picture with the extension titif or jpg, the size of not less than 800 KB
- Tables should be laid out in the place where they should be located. On the top right you need to indicate the number of the table, below is its name. Abbreviations of words in tables are not allowed. All figures in the tables must correspond to the figures in the text and must be processed statistically.
- If the drawing or table is the same, the number is not assigned. Each figure or table should have a uniform title and a transcript of all abbreviations. The captions to the figures indicate the designations on the axes of abscissa and ordinate and units of measurement.
- At the end of the article, information about all the authors (Full Name, academic degree, title, position, place of work) is required.
- The article and accompanying documents are accepted only in electronic form to the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Requirements for publication of articles in the journal " Resort medicine»:
Articles of no more than 4 pages of typewritten text, including drawings, diagrams and a list of used sources, are accepted for publication. Articles are typed on a computer in a Microsoft Word text editor. Font – Times New Roman, font size-14, interval-one and a half, alignment - the width of the sheet, paragraph indent-1 cm, all fields-20 mm.orientation – book. Pages are not numbered. Schemes, tables, drawings, photos are allowed in the text, with a mandatory reference to them in the text. Color illustrations are not used. Name and figure numbers are indicated under figures, names and numbers of tables – above tables. References to literary sources are given in the text in square brackets [1], when quoting [1, c. 45]. At the end of the article is a list of these footnotes in the section "Bibliographic list". Registration of the list of references to carry out in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5-2008. Do not make page-by-page footnotes. At the end of the article, an abstract with key words and information about all the authors (Full Name, academic degree, title, position, place of work) must be provided. Articles are accepted by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Participants of the Congress will receive 12 points in the system of continuing medical education.
The final date of submission of articles to the journal "Resort medicine" - July 15, 2018, in the journal "Modern issues of Biomedicine" - September 15, 2018.
Check-in and registration of conference participants – October 1, 2018, conference 2-October 3, 2018, departure of participants-October 4, 2018.
The cost of living with 3 meals a day: 4000 rubles per day
Payment for accommodation must be made by transfer.
Bank details for money transfer:
Recipient: UFK in the Stavropol Krai (, Federal scientific clinical center of FMBA of Russia, l/MF.20216X49700)
Legal address: 24 Sovetskaya str., Yessentuki, Stavropol territory, 357600.
TIN 2626003731, KPP 262601001, OGRN 1022601229342
Department of the Stavropol Stavropol
P / Sch.40501810700022000002 BIC 040702001
KBK 00000000000000000130-revenue code.
In the payment order, specify the purpose of the payment (reimbursement of living expenses and the full name of the participant for whom the payment was made).
Organizing notes for participants of the Congress from Russia and CIS countries Registration fee for participants-1 000 RUB.
In the conference program are planned excursions to the city of Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk.
Responsible coordinators:
on participation in the work, presentations: Julia Vladislavovna Koryagina, tel. 8(87934)63150 (2026), 8(87934)99231, 89064711405, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
for publications: in the journal "Modern issues of Biomedicine" - Julia Vladislavovna Koryagina, tel. 8(87934)63150 (2026), 8(87934) 99231, 89064711405, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; in the magazine "Resort medicine" - Agnes sardoevna Kaisinova This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel. 89054140769.
for accommodation, accommodation, transfer and payment, participation in the exhibition of medical equipment: Andrey votik, tel. 8(87934) 67436, 89614572010, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..