The article and accompanying documents are accepted only in electronic form through the "Author profile" In case of questions, please contact the editorial office via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Articles sent to the Editorial Board are reviewed within 4 months.
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Articles send by students, post-graduate students and specialists without an academic degree are accepted only with a cover letter stating that the article was sent for publication and that it meets the requirements for publication in journals, recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission.
- Only articles in Russian language are accepted for publication.
- Review articles and original studies are accepted for publication. Published materials should be relevant, have scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance.
- Articles sent earlier for publication in other publications are not allowed for publication. The originality rate should be at least 70% (according to for scientific organizations or universities).
- The article must include a full surname, name, patronymic, full affiliation name, phone and e-mail of the corresponding author.
- The number of authors of the article – not more than five.
- The article should be prepared and sent in one Microsoft Word file (*.doc or *.docx), font – Times New Roman, font size – 14, line spacing – 1.15, first line indent – 1.25 cm, text alignment – with the width. Margins – 10 mm on the right, 30 mm on the left, 20 mm above and below.
- The original article must contain the results of their own research.
- The review article must include at least 20 references.
- The structure of the original article should be as follows: introduction, including the relevance of the topic; the purpose of the study; methods and organization; results and discussion; conclusions; references; illustrative material.
- The “Methods and organization” section must include a detailed description of each research method, the equipment used, methods and criteria of statistical analysis, information on checking for the normality of the distribution, volume and characteristics (gender, age) of the sample and individual groups.
- The abstract and keywords are obligatory for all types of articles. The annotation includes the purpose of the study and its results. The volume of the annotation – 10-12 lines.
- Abbreviations are not allowed in the title, abstract and keywords of the article.
- The article name, abstract, keywords, names and initials of the authors, as well as the full affiliation name are translated into English.
- The “Results and discussion” section contains numerical data of the research results indicating the level of statistical significance of the differences (reliability, p<).
- The use of common abbreviations (units of measurement, physical, chemical and mathematical quantities and terms) is allowed. All abbreviations introduced by the author must be deciphered in the text of the article at their first mention. When including the abbreviation, it must be written in parentheses after decoding. Then only the abbreviation must be used.
- The list of references must be arranged in the order of the appearance in the text according to GOST R 7.0.100-2018. Also, the list of references must be submitted in English in accordance with the Russian version.
- References in the text are given in square brackets in accordance with the numbers of the list of references. The reference is introduced with the article titles (please see the article template). References to unpublished works are not allowed.
- Articles accepted for publication undergo scientific editing. The Editorial Board reserve the right to abbreviate and correct articles. The date of receipt of the article is the time of receipt of the final version of the article.
- Figures with captions must be placed accordingly. Separately, a file is sent in the tiff or jpg format, the size is not less than 800 Kb.
- Tables must be placed accordingly. The table number should be indicated on the top right, its name is given below. The numerical data in the tables must correspond to the numerical data in the text and must be processed statistically.
- If the article has one figure/table, it does not have a number. Each figure or table have a uniform title and a transcript of all abbreviations. The figure captions indicate the designations on the axes of abscissa and ordinate, as well as units of measurement.
- All abbreviations, mentioned in a figure/table should be deciphered in a corresponding note.
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This CC license stipulates that the authors keep their copyright for the article. The authors sign the license contract with the Editorial Board on granting the non-exclusive license to the article, necessary for its publication in the Journal.
The license allows others to distribute and copy the article's materials in any medium and any form under the condition of obligatory reference to authors of the original article.
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