SPIN-code: 2561-9482, AuthorID: 140455, ORCID: 0000-0001-5468-0636, Wos ResearcherID: 2823-2013, Scopus: 55961321400, google scholar: xxxy2d0AAAAJ
List of articles in ORCID
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Date of birth: 17.08.1975, Omsk
Siberian Academy of Physical Culture (1996), physical education lecturer, skiing coach
Post graduate Program in the specialty 03.03.01 – “Physiology” in 2000. Dissertation – "Chronobiological characteristics of adolescents, boys and girls developing strength and endurance".
Doctoral Program in the specialty 03.03.01 – “Physiology” in 2007. Dissertation – “Features of processes of perception of time and space and their rhythmical organization in athletes”.
Occupational retraining “Corporate management” in 2014.
Omsk State Pedagogical University. Master degree in Teacher Education, Ecology in 2015.
Occupational retraining “General and Sports Morphology and Physiology” in 2016.
Information about the work: 1996-2017 – post graduate, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor since 2008, deputy director for research in the Scientific Research Institute of Activities in Extreme Conditions of the Federal State Budgetary Education Institution of Higher Professional Education “Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports”.
2016-2018 – leading researcher of the Scientific Research Institute of Sports and Sports Medicine of the Federal State Budgetary Education Institution of Higher Professional Education “Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism”.
2017 - present time – head of the Center for biomedical technologies of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “North-Caucasian Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the FMBA of Russia”
Author of more than 400 scientific works (of all of them 378 are indexed in RSCI, 14 – in SCOPUS), including 7 monographs, 23 learning guides, 7 methodical recommendations, 15 certificates of intellectual property. Hirsch index is 22, citation index of RSCI is 1664. Overall experience is 25 years, scientific experience is 24 years. Member of the task group of chronobiology and chronomedicine of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Master of Sports of International Class in Powerlifting (1997), Candidate Master of Sports in Competitive Skiing (1991).
Winner of the Omsk region’s Governor’s award “Valor” in the category "Scientist of the year" in 2012. Received the Gratitude of the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation in 2010. High achiever of physical culture in 2015. Multiple winner of competitions for the best scientific work held within the International congresses "Modern Olympic sport and sport for all".
Julia trained 5 PhDs of Biological Sciences and 1 PhD of Medical Sciences. During 15 years she was the developer and the head of the main professional educational programs for post graduates majoring in the program 06.06.01 “Biological Sciences” of the profile “Physiology” and Masters majoring in the program 49.04.01 “Physical Culture” of the profile “Biomedical support of Sports”.
She worked as the head of the interdisciplinary research team of the Russian national badminton team in 2010-2011.
In 2013-2015, she supervised the implementation of research projects included in the State Task of the Russian Ministry of Sports, in 2016 she supervised the accomplishment of research projects included in the State Contract of the Russian Ministry of Sports.
In 2017-2020 she supervised the accomplishment of research projects included in the State Task and the State Contract of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency, those research projects, which were accomplished on terms of subcontracting (contracts with other scientific institutes).
In 2008-2018 she developed and led main educational master’s degree programs in the specialty 49.04.01 “Physical culture” of the profile “Medical and biological support of physical culture and sports” and “Sports and the training system in sports games” and the main educational post graduate’s degree program in the specialty 06.06.01 “Biological sciences” of the profile “Physiology”.
- Perception of time and space in sports (2006);
- Chronobiological basics of sports activities (2008);
- Morphological and functional aspects of adaptation to the strength sports (2012);
- Biological rhythms and adaptation to the muscular activity of skiers (2013);
- Hyperoxic gas mixture in the training of skiers (2014);
- Development of the technological systems for scientific and methodic support of sports training (on example of sports games) (2016);
- Chronobiological approach in the practice of recovery measures in athletes (2020);
Fields of research: sports medicine, physiology and psychophysiology of sports, biomechanics of sports, sports anthropology, sports orientation and selection, chronobiology, methods and technologies of athletes’ training, performance in sports activities, development of programs and hardware and software systems for complex control of the psychofunctional state (Hardware and software systems “Sports psychophysiologist”, “School psychophysiologist”, “Functional asymmetry”, “Sports diagnostics”, “Sports orientation”).
The main field of research is medical and biological sports monitoring.