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Koryagina Yu. V. Chronological bases of sports activity / Yu. V. Koryagina / / - Omsk.: Publisher Sibgufk, 2008. - 227 p.

UDC: 796.01:57


Key words: chronobiology, adaptation, athletes, perception of time and space, biorhythms, functional system.
Introduction. In modern science, scientists of various fields of knowledge pay close attention to the study of the phenomenon of time-space. The perception of time plays a significant role in characterizing the state of the organism, determining adaptability and biological age [12, 13], the effectiveness of human social adaptation, and also underlies the success and effectiveness in most activities [3, 22]. Special place perception of time and space ranks in sports activities [13, 16, 23]. However, if the perception of time by a person and the features of the temporal organization of his physiological indicators are partially studied, the data on the features of the perception of space and their rhythmic organization are almost completely absent. Especially significant are the gaps concerning the research of the processes of perception of time and space and their rhythmic organization in athletes of different sports. These studies are of sufficient scientific and practical interest, since, firstly, they make it possible to identify systemic patterns of formation, functioning and modification of the processes of perception of time and space under the influence of various factors of exogenous and endogenous nature, secondly, they allow to assess the contribution of each factor to the totality of the phenomena under consideration and, thirdly, to determine the main directions and ways to increase the adaptive capabilities of the processes of perception of time and space by a person in order to optimize various activities. The aim of the study is to study the features of the processes of perception of time and space and their rhythmic organization in athletes of different sports.

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