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Koryagina Yu. V. Intuitive ideas about the structure and properties of time in athletes of different specializations and persons not involved in sports / Yu.V. Koryagina // Modern problems of science and education. - 2006. - No. 6-P. 86. - Access mode (date accessed: 19.02.2019).
One of the problems of chronobiology is the study of the features of the flow of time in humans. Sports activity with its extreme factors can cause changes in the subjective flow of time, which, apparently, is associated with the adaptive processes occurring in the human body when playing sports. In the characterization of the temporal properties of man, the temporal perspective – the relation to the past, present and future-is of essential importance. The polar time profile test (O) was used to study the intuitive representations of man about the structure and properties of time . Newton . Kuznetsov et al., 1985) constructed similarly to the semantic differential test (Ch. E. Osgood et al., 1957), which makes it possible to distinguish five standard factors of time (emotionality, activity, magnitude, structure and sensuality). 720 people were studied (670 athletes of various specializations and 50 persons not involved in sports). Based on the recommendations for the analysis of the material N. I. Moiseeva et al. (1985) the results of the study obtained by the semantic differential test were subjected to factor analysis. The analysis of the data showed that the persons with the most developed intuitive ideas about the structure of the properties of time are boxers, weightlifters, swimmers, cyclists and skaters, less developed ideas about the structure and properties of time in persons not involved in sports. Characterizing the preferences of the temporal perspective, it can be noted that boxers had a great focus on the future, skiers in the past, hockey players - in the present and the future. In athletes of other specializations and persons not involved in sports, such preferences were not observed. Non-athletes differed from athletes in a large number of significant factors related to emotional and active perception of time and the absence of factors that reflect the structure and magnitude of time. Among athletes, boxers, wrestlers and gymnasts perceive time more emotionally – their time is more joyful, bright, colored, which is associated with the emotional coloring of their sports activities. Swimmers and athletes of situational sports perceive time more effectively – their time is more active, rapid, changeable, they often have to make decisions in difficult conditions of activity, act according to the slo
living the situation. Powerlifters, weightlifters, badminton players, football players, cyclists and skaters feel and determine the value of time most well – their time is closer, real, open, voluminous, wide, deep. The best structuring of time is observed in skiers and martial artists-their time is more rhythmic, understandable, divisible. Therefore, intuitive ideas about the structure and properties of time in humans are significantly interrelated with the content and conditions of activity, which are presented by various sports, which is probably the result of adaptation to specific conditions of functioning of the organism.