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Kuchuk T. p. Infradian rhythms of indicators of functional state of sportsmen-young men / T. p. Kuchuk, Yu. V. Koryagina / / Modern problems of science and education 2006-No. 6. - P. 88. - Access mode (accessed 18.02.2019)
Kuchuk T. P., Koryagina Yu. V. Siberian state University of physical culture and sport, Omsk
Currently, the term infradian rhythms (IR) is used to refer to periodic fluctuations of physiological processes in the body from 1 to 30 days (Halberg F., 1972). IR is found both in the dynamics of vital signs of the organism (body temperature, energy and plastic metabolism) and in the dynamics of indicators characterizing the specific aspects of individual physiological systems. The ovarian-menstrual cycle of about 28 days in women is also an example of IR. However, it still remains unclear the question of the existence of such infradian smooth functioning of the body men. The aim of the study was to identify the infra-median rhythm of the functioning of the male body and the relationship of these rhythms with the effectiveness of adaptation to physical activity. IR was studied in 8 young athletes engaged in power sports. During the month, the IR of heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (BH), individual minute (MI), health, activity and mood were determined. All studies were conducted before training. The parameters of rhythms were calculated: period, acrophase, average level and amplitude of dispersion. These rhythms were compared with the volume of training load. The volume of training load was characterized as optimal, as it caused statistically significant changes in physiological parameters (increased average heart rate and BH, p<0.05), but did not cause a decrease in psychological indicators of well-being, activity and mood.
The results of the studies allowed us to establish statistically reliable data on the existence of rhythms with a period of 6, 12, 24 days of heart rate, BH, MI, activity and mood in all subjects, which was confirmed by the method of kosinor analysis with the construction of ellipses scattering. The most pronounced was the 6-day biological rhythm. According to the literature, the rhythmicity of 5-7 days duration was found in fluctuations in the intensity of energy metabolism (N. N. Shabatura, 1974), motor activity (C. P. Richter, 1976), the functional state of the Central nervous system (C. p. Richter, 1976). Hildebrandt, F. Ceyer, 1984), and (J. L. Whitton et al., 1984), physical performance and IPC (K. Yamasi et al., 1981). The average values of the period of the weekly rhythm in different people range from 5.0±0.3 to 6.7±0.6 days (N. N. Shabatura, 1989). Therefore, the obtained data on the 6-day rhythm of the functional and psychological state of young athletes are consistent with the literature data and may indicate the endogenous nature of this rhythm. For heart rate and well-being indicators, a harmonic with a period of 18.3 days was also detected, for the activity indicator 15.1 days and for the mood indicator 8.7 days. Acrophase 6-days infradian rhythm of heart rate and respiratory rate coincide with the peak volume of executed loads, acrophase psychological indicators of activity and mood were in antiphase with the maximum amount of carried load, which, in our view, may indicate a sort of adjustment of the organism to the training microcycle and exogenous nature of rhythm. Thus, the infradian rhythm of functional and psychological state of young athletes with a period of 6, 12 and 24 days was established. The rhythm with a period of 6 days coincides in phases with the rhythm of the training load performed. The question of the nature of the origin of these rhythms remains unsolved.