Science degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.
Academic status: Professor.
Place of work: Orenburg State Pedagogical University.
Position: Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Sport Discipline, Adaptive Physical Culture and Biomedical Foundations of Physical Education.
AuthorID: 691140.
Elena Golikova has been the director of the Scientific and Practical Center of Adaptive Sports and Physical Rehabilitation since 2012. The main purpose of this center is the implementation of the practical part of fundamental and applied research on adaptive physical culture. Under her leadership, scientific teams achieve certain results and make themselves known at regional and federal contests. They were awarded with following grants:
- 2013 – “Socializing disabled children and youth with means of adaptive motor recreation” (head of the project – Elena Golikova);
- 2014 – “Risks of modern educational space”;
- 2015 – “Development of technologies for the formation of an interdisciplinary inclusive process in educational organizations of the region”;
- 2016 – “Development of the concept of social development of a disabled student in a high-tech educational environment”.
Results of research allow her to participate in prestigious scientific events. 2014 – the International Business Summit in Nizhny Novgorod, her project was a winner. In 2015, her research project received high ranking (1 place) on the Innovational Idea Fair “Russian Capital to Russian Innovations”.
She participated in following meetings:
- the meeting, held by the Russian Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports (Moscow);
- the meeting, dedicated to the 2014 Paralympics in Sochi, under the leadership of V.I. Matvienko (Moscow);
- the meeting, organized by the vice-governor of the Orenburg Oblast, dedicated to the protection of the concept for developing adaptive physical culture;
- the meeting of the Council under the Russian Government, dedicated to guardianship issues in the social field;
- the meeting, dedicated to the development of adaptive physical culture in the Orenburg Oblast, held by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, led by the deputy of the minister of education Kaganov B.Sh.
Awarded the letter of recognition of the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg Oblast in 2010. Was also awarded in the “Woman and mercy” category at the “Woman of the Orenburg Oblast” contest in 2014. Received the gratitude letter from the Administration of the Russian President.
Conducted research work for the doctoral dissertation since 2014 to 2018, successfully defended it at the Moscow Pedagogical State University in 2019. Published more than 100 scientific works: 8 monographs, 8 guides, the “Physical culture for students of the special medical group”, reports, scientific articles, theses, 26 articles in journals, recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia, 9 of them are included in Scopus.
Specialty code: 5.8.6. – Health and adaptive physical culture (pedagogical sciences).
Membership in other editorial boards: "Academic Bulletin of Education and Science", "Russian Journal of Sports Science: Medicine, Physiology, Training".