Science degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Academic status: Professor

Place of work: the Federal State Budgetary Education Institution of Higher Professional Education “Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports”

Position: Professor of the department of medical and biological basics of physical culture and sports

SPIN-code: 2012-7303, AuthorID: 301875.

She has published more than 250 research and methodical works, including monographs "Basic coordination abilities of schoolchildren with different levels of health” (2000, coauthor), “Coordination training in sports” (2015, coauthor); learning guides “Coordination abilities of children with cognitive development disorder” (1999, coauthor); “Intervention program for improving coordination abilities of children with vision impairment” (1999, coauthor). Russian Scientific Citation Index is 758, Hirsch index is 10.

Specialty code: 5.8.4. – Physical culture and professional physical training (pedagogical sciences); 5.8.5. – Theory and methodology of sports (pedagogical sciences); 5.8.6. – Health and adaptive physical culture (pedagogical sciences).

Membership in other editorial boards: " Russian Journal of Sports Science: Medicine, Physiology, Training", "MCU Journal of Natural Sciences", "Ural and Siberia Bulletin of Sports Science", "Vestnik Sibirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta fizicheskoi kul'tury i sporta", "Business. Education. Law".