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Publication date: 1.03.2021
DOI: 10.51871/2588-0500_2021_05_01_13
UDC 159.9
V.N. Pushkina1,2, S.Yu. Razmakhova3, D.R. Borisovets1, T.I. Shirokova1
1Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia
2Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia
3Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Key words: students, somatic diseases, psychoemotional state, neuropsychic stress, behavioral strategy.
Annotation: As a result of the conducted study, an evaluation of the psychoemotional state of students, who were excused from attending physical culture classes, was conducted. It was shown, that a significant amount of students, due to their neuropsychic instability, would have a hard time to react to the effect of stress factors. Received results indicate, that for those, who have somatic deviations in their state of health, it would be difficult to adapt to rapidly changing situations, new conditions, including educational ones, due to their non-constructive behavioral model. Passive position when a non-standard stressful situation approaches, emotional instability hinders their personal successfulness. Considering received results, it is not recommended to excuse students with somatic diseases from attending physical culture classes. It is recommended to form an individual educational trajectory of physical culture, to construct suitable recreational programs with the use of correct measures of physical culture (respiratory gymnastics, yoga and swimming) for such students. If there is a need, it is also recommended to use technologies of psychophysical regulation, including biofeedback, in order to form abilities to manage your own organism. Integration of various measures and methods in physical education for students, who have state of health deviations, could support a decrease of risks of maladjustment behavior of young people in conditions of complicated modern social situations.
Introduction. It is known, that the main cause of emotional stress are conflict situations [8]. Currently, many social situations (such as remote learning, appearance of new infectious agents) actively cause an appearance of such conflict situations, which significantly worsen psychoemotional loads on students. Monotony, sensory deprivation, work in waiting mode are considered as psychogenic factors, associated with low working intensity. Limited physical and muscular activity decreases not only physical, but also mental capacity. If the subject has a high level of health, they can overcome emergencies without enduring significant deviations in their state of health. However, if such situations have requirements, which exceed the subject’s capabilities, the efficiency of an activity decreases significantly [7].
It is known, that tolerance to extreme situations and adaptive flexibility are related to neuropsychic stability of an individual [1, 3]. It was found, that students with lower neuropsychic stability have a worse psychofunctional state [2, 6]. A decrease of behavioral regulation, neuropsychic breakdowns, inadequate self-esteem are typical for such students, and they affect adaptation capabilities of an organism [5]. Therefore, the modern social situation can cause a damaging effect on health state of students, who were excused from attending physical culture classes due to their state of health and presence of the neuropsychic instability.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the level of adaptive capabilities of students, who were excused from attending physical culture classes, on the basis of the analysis of their neuropsychic stability.
Materials and methods. In order to achieve the given purpose, a group of 196 students, who were excused from attending physical culture classes, was formed. Medical certificates were examined with the aim to obtain data about their affiliation to medical group of health state, about presence of diseases and their severity (the 086/u form). With the purpose of research of stress tolerance, such methods as diagnostics of neuropsychic stability [7], ability to solve stress situations [4] were used. Statistical data processing was performed using a set of SPSS application statistic software (version 19.0 for Windows). Differences were considered as statistically significant if p<0,05.
Results and discussion. According to received results of diagnostics of 196 subjects, who did not have physical loads, satisfactory tolerance to stress was typical for 84 students, good tolerance to stress was typical for 51 students. 53 subjects were included in the group of unsatisfactory stress tolerance. Only 8 subjects had a “high” level of neuropsychic stability. Considering the fact that the indicator of neuropsychic stability is synonymous to the concept of optimal reaction in stressful conditions, it is fair to assume that a high level of control over a stress state with optimal personal reaction, a preservation of stable mental state is typical only for 5% of students (p<0,001), who did not attend physical culture classes (Fig. 1).
Fig.1. Features of neuro-psychic stability in students
For 26% of students a favorable prediction, the preservation of personal adaptation potential in case of approaching negative psychogenic factors (the level of neuropsychic management was assessed as “good”), were common. Nonetheless, for 68% (p<0,001) of students a loss of control, emotional breakdowns and inadequate reactions to stressful situations would be common in case of external pressure. Considering the fact that adaptation reactions are related to external (external pressure) and internal (disease) conditions, for those, who have a somatic disease based on their neuropsychic instability, given unfavorable forms of response to stress effects could worsen somatic diseases.
Depending on a degree of constructability, strategies and behavioral models can contribute to, or hinder a success of coping with stress, and influence the health preservation of a subject. The conducted analysis of students’ behavior aimed at overcoming stressful situations showed that of all 196 subjects, only 15 students performed assertive actions in stressful situations (subject’s behavior did not depend on external effects, they were able to make decisions by themselves). The same amount of students could participate in social interactions. Of all 196 subjects, only 29 students could communicate socially in case of difficult life situations. 70% of students (p<0,001) revealed behavioral models, which prevent constructing a successful strategy for handling difficulties. 20% students of the given group showed tendency to aggressive actions or avoidance (19%, р<0,001), 13% (р<0,01) performed asocial actions, another 13% (р<0,01) performed manipulative actions. Significant amount of students show caution (16%, р<0,001), 18% of young people react impulsively to the effect of stress factors. Thus, 8% of students had an active position in terms of handling difficulties, 22% of young people hoped for social support, 46% of students adopted a passive position, and 24% of them had an asocial
strategy (Fig. 2).
Fig.2. Forms of behavior of students in stressful situations
Conclusion. As a result of the conducted study, we managed to evaluate psychoemotional state of students, who were excused from attending physical culture classes. It was shown, that a significant amount of students, due to their neuropsychic instability, would have a hard time to react to the effect of stress factors. Received results indicate, that for those, who have somatic deviations in their state of health, it would be difficult to adapt to rapidly changing situations, new conditions, including educational ones, due to their non-constructive behavioral model. Passive position when a non-standard stressful situation approaches, emotional instability hinders their personal successfulness. Considering received results, it is not recommended to excuse students with somatic diseases from attending physical culture classes. It is recommended to form an individual educational trajectory of physical culture, to construct suitable recreational programs with the use of correct measures of physical culture (respiratory gymnastics, yoga and swimming) for such students. If there is a need, it is also recommended to use technologies of psychophysical regulation, including biofeedback, in order to form abilities to manage your own organism.
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Information about the authors: Pushkina Valentina Nikolayevna – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Physical Education and Health and Safety of the Moscow City University, Lead Analyst in the Laboratory of Physiological and Hygienic Research in Education of the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Razmakhova Svetlana Yur’evna – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports in the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Borisovets Dil’bar Rafkatovna – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Health and Safety and Applied Technologies of the Moscow City University, Moscow, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Shirokova Tatyana Ivanovna – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Health and Safety and Applied Technologies of the Moscow City University, Moscow, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..