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Publication date: 1.03.2021
DOI: 10.51871/2588-0500_2021_05_01_22
UDC 796
S.Y. Razmakhova1, V.N. Pushkina2,3, А.А. Krasil'nikov2, V.I.Lyakh3
1Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
2Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia
3Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: motivation, health level, physical activity, physical culture
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to identify interests and motivations of students, to determine their preferences in the process of physical culture classes. Studies have shown that the majority of students do not realize the importance of practical physical training for maintaining health, and the
self-assessment of their motor activity by young people is not evaluated correctly. The main motive for attending physical culture classes at the university is to get a credit.
Introduction. Education in higher educational establishments is a complicated and long process demanding great physical efforts and emotional stability. Therefore, the formation of health literacy in modern students is an extremely relevant issue [4]. Conscious generating of your own personal
health-improving trajectory is also an indicator of maturity of universal competence of students, which is an important component of their educational path in higher educational establishments, an indicator of their readiness to professional activity. Distribution of information on issues of health, its preservation and increase of life quality are undoubtedly extremely important. Regarding the issue of an attitude of modern youth to physical culture and sports, a motivational aspect needs correction, firstly – the ability of students to understand and use the information correctly not only for the development and maintaining a good health, but also for the formation of their own personal educational trajectory in the area of physical culture and sports [7, 8, 9]. It is not possible to ignore interests/abilities of a student to any type of motor activity, which should become a basis of the organization of physical education process in any educational establishment and especially – in higher educational establishments. Choosing the type of motor activity based on an interest, a need to learn more, a tendency towards something, a possibility to implement personal potential of young people, would motivate to make thoughtful and deliberate decisions in the field of personal health, formation for an individual program of development in the given field.
The purpose of the study is to reveal interests and motivation of students during the process of physical education in higher educational establishments and define their preferences in types of motor activity.
Methods and organization. Students of the 1-2 year of study aged 17-19 years participated in the study (anonymous questionnaire), they were divided into two groups by gender: 1st group (n=187) included young women (average age –18,3±0,45 years), 2nd group (n=202) included young men (average age – 18,5±0,37 years). At the moment of examination, young people were studying in the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) (Moscow). Statistical data processing was conducted using the package of statistic application programs, the differences were considered as statistically significant if р<0,05.
Results and discussion. The evaluation of results of the study has shown that the main motive to attend physical culture classes in the higher educational establishment is getting a credit both for 1st year students (143 people) and 2nd year students (109 people) (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Motivation of students to attend physical culture classes
Nonetheless, for a significant number of 2nd year students (84 people) health improvement serves as a motive for attending physical culture classes. The number of 1st year students, who think the same, are 34 people only (р<0,001). For an insignificant number of students an increase of sports results is the main motive to attend physical culture classes.
The comparative analysis of motivational aspects taking gender-based special features of students into account has revealed that attending physical culture classes to “get a credit” is typical for 84,27% of 1st year female students and 48,98% of 2nd year female students (р<0,001) (Fig. 2). A motive “to have fun from the process, to communicate with coursemates and to increase sports results” is typical for 5,61% of 1st year female students and 4,09% of 2nd year female students (р<0,001)
(Fig. 2).
For a majority of young men of the 1st year (68,69%) and the 2nd year (59,23%) of study the motive “to get a credit” is also in the lead. Only 25,26% of 1st year male students and 36,9% of 2nd year male students consider physical culture classes as the mean of health improvement and increase of motor activity. Insignificant number of young men (6,05% – 1st year and 3,89% – 2nd year) attend physical education classes to increase sports result.
Often in educational establishments of the XX century traditional types of motor activities (sports games, skiing, track-and-field, gymnastics) were used, which insufficiently took into account individual special features and interests of students.
Fig. 2. Arguments of students to attend physical culture classes
In recent years with the development of sports industry, additional specializations of modern physical culture and health-improving directions (step-aerobics, aerobics, yoga ball aerobics and other types of fitness training) were included in programs of higher educational establishments. All students, regardless of year and gender-based differences, answered to the question “Which type of motor activity would You perform with interest?” as follows (Fig. 3). 31% of students wanted to attend gym, regardless of the fact that those classes are conducted in free time in the form of sessions.
To the question “Why have You chosen this type of motor activity?”, the majority of students answered that gym classes attract them because of the principle of individualization when choosing exercises aimed at the harmonious physical development and improvement of the physique. Almost 1/3 of students (28%) preferred sports games (volleyball – 8%, basketball – 11%, soccer – 9%).
Fig.3. Students’ preferences on types of motor activity
These are the most popular, emotional types of sports, in sports games the competitive confrontation and team spirit are the things that are attractive to students. The most attractive type of motor activity for female students is aerobics – 24% of them are interested in learning dance steps and combinations of different types. To the question “Which dancing styles do You prefer?” they answered “Raggaeton, Hip Hop, R&B”, where different dancing types, which are the most popular in youth’s modern life, are combined. The used movements are sliding, with turns and changes, combining sharpness and smoothness in the dance at the same time. Track-and-field was chosen by 9% of students, who consider this type as more natural and more accessible not only in classes, but also in conditions of self-guided work. 8% of students want to go to the swimming pool.
Numerous studies, conducted in recent years, indicate a progressive decrease in motor activity of students in comparison with school years [1, 2, 3, 5]. 30% of young men and women stopped attending various specialized sports sections when they graduated from school, 24% of them stopped going to events of outside activities due to the workload. The analysis of students’ monitoring has revealed changes in goals to form a healthy lifestyle. Only 24% of students consider their motor activity as insufficient due to the big amount of class hours, the need to prepare homework and also the significant part of the time dedicated to learning foreign languages (which is included in the obligatory learning program in the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia outside the learning curriculum). The hygienic standard of motor activity for students is the 1/5 of one-day time budget and should be 10000 to 14000 steps [5]. To the question “How do You assess your motor activity?”, 76% of young men answered that their activity is higher than the standard (Fig. 4). However, the results of the questionnaire assessment allowed to reveal that 45,5% of young men have physical loads below average and its real value is lower than their self-esteem. According to young women’s opinion, 21% of them have the high motor activity, 28% have low motor activity and 51% have average motor activity. According to the questionnaire, 57% of young women have physical loads below average.
Fig. 4. Independent motor activity of students during the day
Conclusion. Therefore, the studies have shown that a majority of students does not realize the importance of physical culture classes in order to preserve health, the self-assessment of their motor activity by young people is not evaluated correctly. Taking results shown by students of the 1st year of study into account, the attention should be paid to education of health literacy already in the process of getting basic education, including the process of teaching subjects not related to the “Physical culture” school discipline.
2nd year students regardless of their gender start to realize the importance of physical culture and sports classes and their positive effect on their organism.
In whole, young people, who learn in higher educational establishments, prefer types of motor activity in which loads could be dosed in accordance with individual capabilities of an organism, e.g. gym classes. Young people are also attracted to sports, in which an opportunity to get positive emotions from team activities in addition to physical loads, which are sports games and modern dancing styles. Thus, when organizing the process of physical education in higher educational establishments in order to attract and motivate the youth to attend physical culture and sports classes, to form health literacy it is important to use means of physical training, which are in demand by students.
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Information about the authors: Svetlana Yur’evna Razmakhova – Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the FSAEI of HE “1Peoples' Friendship University of Russia”, Moscow, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Valentina Nikolaevna Pushkina – Associate Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Physical Education and Health and Safety of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Sports Technologies of the SAEI of HE “Moscow State Pedagogical University”, Moscow; Head Analyst of the Laboratory of Physiological and Hygienic Studies in Education of the FSBSI “Institute of the Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education”, Moscow, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Arsentij Aleksandrovich Krasil’nikov – Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Health and Safety of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Sports Technologies of the SAEI of HE “Moscow State Pedagogical University”, Moscow, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Vladimir Iosifovich Lyakh – Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head Researcher of the Laboratory of Muscular Activity and Physical Education of the FSBSI “Institute of the Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education”, Moscow, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..