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Publication date: 1.03.2021
DOI: 10.51871/2588-0500_2021_05_01_24

UDC 796.011.


I.P. Ujmanova 1, N.V. Sapozhnikova2

1Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Branch in the city of Salavat, Russia

2Ural State University of Physical Education, Chelyabinsk, Russia

Key words: physical state, students, ski training, health, physical fitness.

Annotation. The measures of ski training, which have the greatest health-improving effect, are available at any age, regardless of physical fitness. The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of ski training on the physical state of students. The indicators of the physical state of students were determined. The dynamics and growth rate of the studied indicators in the process of ski training in the system of physical education classes were analyzed. The results of the study indicate a positive effect of ski training on the physical state, which characterizes the level of performance and the work of the respiratory system.

Introduction. Physical education carries out a very important mission, which is to develop motor abilities and to know how to use them in practice. Eighty percent of the youth have various deviations in their health state. Experts in the field of physical culture have been searching for years for effective measures to improve the physical state. A significant amount of sport and health programs based on latest technologies was developed. Ski training has the best therapeutic effect, in comparison with other measures, and is generally available at any age, regardless of the level of physical fitness [2].

The main purpose of this study is to determine the effect of ski training on the physical state of students.

Methods and organization.  The study of students was conducted from January to February 2021 on the base of ski training in Salavat. 10 young men and 10 young women, aged 17-18 years, participated in the study. Classes of ski training were conducted 3 times a week, 1,5-2 hours each. The classes for young men and women included strength, speed-strength exercises and skiing.

During examination of the physical state of students, such methods as the analysis of scientific literature, anthropometric, physiological methods and the testing of the physical fitness were used.

In order to develop strength and speed-strength qualities, circuit training with basic exercises such as pull-ups, push-ups, squats, jumps and leaps was used.

Training classes for ski training were conducted outside. Main exercises were aimed at learning the technique of special skiing styles. Next skiing styles were used as measures of ski training:

- two-step skiing;
- skating skiing;
- double polling;
- one-step skiing;
- climbing and off-piste skiing.

At the end of training classes, a set of exercises of General Physical Fitness (GPF) aimed at the development of strength and speed-strength qualities.

Results and discussion. The physical state is a complex evaluation of the level of physical development, physical fitness, functional capabilities of the cardiovascular and the respiratory systems. As it is known, the ski training has the biggest impact on the development of aerobic capabilities of an organism, which are determined by the functional state of the main systems of the human’s organism. That is why during the experiment we started with an examination of the functional state indicators, which characterize functional capabilities of the cardiovascular and the respiratory systems and their dynamics in the process of training ski
classes [1, 4].

One of the most important functional indicators is the vital capacity (VC), which has a special meaning during ski training classes. As it is known, skiers have the highest indicators of the VC. According to the study’s results, we could see that there was a change in the VC indicators (Tables 1, 2).


Table 1

Morpho-functional indicators of physical development of male students before and after the experiment

Physical development indicators

n = 81

Before (х±σ)

After (х ± σ)



VC, ml





Breath-holding test on inhale, sec





Breath-holding test on exhale, sec





Ruffier index





HR at rest, beats/min





BP, mm of Mercury









Body mass, kg






Table 2

Morpho-functional indicators of physical development of female students before and after the experiment

Physical development indicators

n = 75

Before (х±σ)


 (х ± σ)



VC, ml





Breath-holding test on inhale, sec





Breath-holding test on exhale, sec





Ruffier index





HR at rest, beats/min





BP, mm of Mercury









Body mass, kg






Functional capabilities of the respiratory system, which were determined with the use of the breath-holding test on inhale and the breath-holding test on exhale, are of great importance while performing aerobic exercises. The conducted experiments allowed to determine that the dynamics of the given indicators in young men are higher in comparison with the dynamics in young women. The growth rate of those indicators was 34,2% and 16% in young men, 24,5% and 4,1% in young women respectively.

One of the most informative tests for evaluation of the effect of physical exercises on the functional state of the cardiovascular system (CVC) is the Ruffier test. The reliable growth of the Ruffier index indicator was 14,2% in young men and 10,1% in young women. It indicates an increase of the performance of the examined students.

A decrease of the heart rate (HR) by 3,8% in young men and 3,6% in young women indicates a more efficient heart performance.

As it is known, the indicators of blood pressure (BP) characterize the functional state of the CVC and are important for prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Mean values of those indicators in the examined students did not change and stayed within the norm.

The results indicate a change in the physical state of students, who participated in the experiment of ski training. At the same time, the evaluation of the effect of ski training measures on the organism requires a study of not only the parameters of the physical state, but also a relationship and interaction of those indicators.

Thus, during the initial stage of the experiment in order to reveal relations between results of passing the distance on skis and the indicators of physical development, physical fitness of students, we also conducted the pair correlation analysis.

It is important to note that the statistically relevant correlation was registered in most cases with the indicators that characterize the functional state of the CVC of the examined students.

The strong correlation is registered both in young men (r = 0,704) and young women (r = 0,675) between the total level of physical fitness and passing the distance on skis on the р <0,001 level.

Allegedly, the level of general endurance has a correlation to the number of cases of diseases and their durability, but the reliable connection between these indicators was not revealed in our study. It could be related to the manner of ski training classes or aging features of the development of students’ organisms [3, 5].


  1. The results of the study indicate a recreational effect of ski training on the physical state of students in the class system. More significant changes were registered in the indicators that characterize the level of performance and the work of the respiratory system.
  2. According to the obtained results of the correlational analysis, moving on skis, without taking the time into account, has the highest degree of relationship in student with the HR in rest, the Ruffier index and the general level of physical fitness It indicates a possibility of a development of special recreational programs with the use of ski training measures.


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  5. Ruzicka I. Use of modern teaching equipment and innovative organizational form of ski training / I. Ruzicka // New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences. – 2017. – № 4 (3). – P. 62-69.

Spisok literatury

  1. Karpova O.L. Kontseptual’nye osnovy sodejstviya razvitiyu samoobrazovatel’noj deyatel’nosti studentov / O.L. Karpova // Sibirskij pedagogicheskij zhurnal. – 2009. – № 3. – S. 59-65.
  2. Ujmanova I.P. Sovremennye organizatsionno-metodicheskiye osnovy uchebnogo protsessa distsipliny “fizicheskaya kul’tura i sport” v sisteme vyshego obrazovaniya / I.P. Ujmanova, Yu.A. Zharinov, A.I. Pereverzeva, V.I. Polyanskaya, R.Kh. Dilmukhametova // Fizicheskaya kul’tura i zdorovye. – 2018. – № 3 (67). – S. 17-18.
  3. Novgorodova M.V. Soderzhaniye fizkul’turnogo obrazovaniya uchachshikhsya oboronno-sportivnogo klassa/ M.V. Novgorodova, D.V. Fonaryov //Profil’naya shkola. – – № 5. – S. 55-59.
  4. Fonaryov D.V. Fizicheskoye vospitaniye, zdorovyj i bezopasnyj stil’ zhizni obuchayuchshikhsya v fokuse nauchnogo foruma / D.V. Fonaryov, T.V. Kugusheva, T.A. Kheruvimova // Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoj kul’tury. – – № 8. – S. 103-104.
  5. Ruzicka I. Use of modern teaching equipment and innovative organizational form of ski training / I. Ruzicka // New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences. – 2017. – № 4 (3). – P. 62-69.

Information about the authors: Ujmanova Irina Petrovna – Senior Lecturer of the branch of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University in Salavat, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;  Sapozhnikova Natalya Vladimirovna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..