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Publication date: 01.06.2021
DOI: 10.51871/2588-0500_2021_05_02_19
UDC 37.013


V.V. Lavrichenko, A.P. Zolotaryov, I.N. Kalinina

Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism, Krasnodar, Russia

Key words: competence approach, young soccer players, personalized competence, professional competencies.

Annotation. The article deals with the issues of a competence-based approach to the training of young soccer players. To justify the feasibility of such an approach, it offers new terms and definitions that characterize the key concepts. The development of the competence approach aims at concretizing the content of the training process for young soccer players and involves defining a strategy for further research in this direction.

Introduction. Any activity presents its own conditions to the individual, compliance with which determines the success of its implementation. The conditions in which the struggle for victory in modern professional soccer takes place are so diverse and complex that only a well-trained person can achieve high and stable results, which is a unique blend of personal characteristics typical of successful athletes. It is safe to say that competence orientation in the training of young soccer players should be a mandatory part of all the training necessary to achieve high results. It is on a par with technical, tactical, physical, mental training, complementing them and forming a higher level of individual skill of the athlete.

In this aspect, there is a need to develop a conceptual and terminological apparatus related to the problem of a competence-based approach to the process of training young soccer players.

Methods and organization: theoretical analysis and synthesis.

Results and discussion. In the development of a competence-based approach to the training of young soccer players, the list of necessary competencies is determined in accordance with the requirements of professional football. Mastering such various kinds of competencies, therefore, becomes the main goal and results of the learning process. From these positions, the main value is not the assimilation of the entire amount of knowledge and skills, but the development of such techniques by students that would allow them, based on their capabilities, to effectively act in various situations of the game.

In this regard, the new pedagogical environment fundamentally changes the position of the coach. Their main task is to motivate students to realize their abilities in the conditions created by them for the creative implementation of educational tasks. That is, the coach creates a developing environment in which each student develops certain professional competencies based on their own capabilities. In this sense, the meaning of the term "development" also changes.

First of all, the development of a young soccer player will be associated with the acquisition of special skills, to which he has a predisposition (ability) and the absence of contradictions with his individual capabilities. It is obvious that sports activity is associated with the manifestation of a person's motor abilities, on the level of development of which his success in sports largely depends. According to many authors [5, 8], abilities are determined by the ability to perform any motor actions, taking into account the innate psychophysiological and morphofunctional properties of the individual, called predisposition. In this case, the formation of certain skills and abilities is directly related to the implementation of a personal set of predisposition that determines the ability to perform movements in a certain way, inherent only to a particular individual.

According to sources [6, 8], ability is a personal trait of a person, which is a subjective condition for the successful implementation of a particular activity. Abilities are not limited to personal knowledge and skills. They are in an organic relationship with the speed and strength of mastering special techniques and are internal psychological regulators that determine the possibility of obtaining them. In addition, the works of L.P. Sergienko (2013) show that the ability is a developed predisposition that manifest itself at different levels of complexity of functioning and cause differences in the capabilities of people [8].

In the works of V.M. Volkov (1993), it is noted that predisposition in relation to abilities can be specific, but each ability can correspond to not one, but several different combinations of predispositions [1]. L.P. Sergienko (2013), taking the terminological analysis of these concepts as a basis, comes to the conclusion that "...the possibilities for achieving high sports results are largely individual for each athlete. Therefore, there are no two people with the same predisposition"[8].

Thus, we can say that the competencies of a soccer player are focused on individual self-improvement and are aimed at mastering the means of motor and mental development. The application of the competence-based approach to the process of training young soccer players involves fundamental changes in its organization and methodological support, in the ways of evaluating results. In this respect, a competent soccer player is not only technically, tactically, physically and mentally prepared, but also necessarily an athlete who has a "personalized competence" associated with assessing their own abilities to act accordingly in various playing conditions. In psychology, personalization is a definition that denotes the need for an individual to express himself, to show personal abilities.

Given the complexity of soccer activities, where the development and manifestation of physical qualities, technical skills and the ability to compete are the fundamental components of individual skill, it is necessary to clearly define the competencies that are necessary for the performance of professional activities (training and competitive processes) modern soccer players, so they can be classified as "professional competencies".

In the competence approach, a set of interrelated semantic orientations in the formation of the student's skills and abilities in relation to a set range of objects of this process, necessary for the implementation of productive activities, is mandatory [7].

The competence approach assumes a focus on learning outcomes, which means the desire to achieve greater accuracy in determining how the educational process will end for each student. With this approach, the product is an athlete who has competence in the field of football activities.

In this regard, the professional competencies of young soccer players should be associated with the concept of "learning", which is the subject-activity basis and provides a comprehensive achievement of the goals of the entire learning process, which determine the personalized competence of a soccer player. Thus, the competence of a soccer player should include a sufficient level of theoretical knowledge and "special skills" based on the concept of "game strategies". Such special skills are formed in parallel with the development of his "individual skills" that provide a motor solution to the problem. That is, in this case, the special skills of a soccer player are related to the conceptual solution of the problem in the offence or defense phase and answer the question: "What to do in a particular game situation?" Individual skills, in this case, serve as a means of solving this game problem and answer the question: "How to do it?"

To implement the competence-based approach to training, we have chosen some terms and definitions from the published materials of foreign specialized literature on the training of young soccer players as guidelines [3, 4, 9]. These terms, in our opinion, most accurately reflect the content of the learning process based on the competence approach (Fig. 1).

The concept of "game strategy" can be interpreted as a tactical technique by which an offensive or defensive action is carried out. In this regard, special technical and tactical skills are associated with the implementation of a particular game strategy in the offence or defense phase. Psychophysical skills are an auxiliary (resource) element that provides motor solutions to problems of varying degrees of complexity. In turn, individual technical and tactical actions are the result of such movements in attack and defense, that is, they characterize their productivity. Psychophysical actions are associated with the power of movement required to perform individual technical and tactical actions in various game situations.

Fig. 1. The structure of personalized competence of young football players

The term "didactic capacities" is a training information related to a certain area of special techniques for implementing game strategies, and includes the following concepts:

  1. Technical coordination techniques are didactic capacities in which the training tasks are aimed at forming technical and coordination "baggage", which is a fundamental prerequisite for the development of special skills.
  2. Physical and motor skills are didactic capacities that determine the formation of special psychophysical skills. In this regard, a young football player, taking into account his morphofunctional characteristics, is stimulated by various aspects of motor activity, which cause a directed adaptation to specific activities.
  3. Tactical and cognitive techniques are didactic containers that contain all the activities that stimulate the future football player to learn cognitive type [2, 4] and allow him to form special technical and tactical skills in typical game situations (experience acquisition).

Thus, the concept of personalized competence of a soccer player will be determined by his theoretical awareness, individual technical abilities and special tactical skills. In the process of such training, the professional competencies of a young soccer player are formed during the formation of special skills, which are developed on the basis of the use of various technical techniques and methods of performing movements that make up the concept of individual technical reception. All this makes it possible to develop a step-by-step plan for the practical implementation of the competence-based approach to learning.

In terms and definitions accepted as a basis, the new educational paradigm in youth soccer is theoretically based on the understanding of the fact that the achieved competence (result), expressed in a certain level of training of a young soccer player, will take place in the process of implementing the proposed approach in the following relationship (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. A new educational paradigm for training young football players based on a competence-based approach

This interdependence in training is explained by the fact that in order to improve the individual skills of a young soccer player, it is necessary to have an understanding of the context of the game situation and the ability to effectively solve the game problem. With this in mind, it is possible to form individual technical-coordination, tactical-cognitive and physical-motor skills associated with the manifestation of special technical-tactical and psychophysical skills. All this together determines the effectiveness of technical, tactical and psychophysical actions, which, in turn, comprehensively characterizes the concept of "personalized competence" of a soccer player.

Conclusion. Consequently, the difficulty in implementing the competence-based approach to training young soccer players lies in the multicomponent nature of its components, the interdependence and interdependence of the development of individual abilities and qualities, which together are the basis of individual qualification.


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Information about the authors: Vladislav Valer’evich Lavrichenko –Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods in Soccer and Rugby of the FSBEI of HE “Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism”, Krasnodar, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Aleksandr Petrovich Zolotaryov – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the FSBEI of HE “Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism”, Krasnodar; Irina Nikolaevna Kalinina – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the FSBEI of HE “Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism”, Krasnodar.