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Publication date: 01.06.2021
DOI: 10.51871/2588-0500_2021_05_02_9
UDC 612.8+612.2
Yu.P. Salova
FSBEI of HE "Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports", Omsk, Russia
Key terms: 14-15-year old fencers, cardiovascular system, external respiration system, adolescent years, functional state.
Annotation. The aim of the study was to assess the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of young fencers aged 14-15 years. The specificity of loads is reflected in indicators of main functional systems of the athlete's organism. Moreover, the athlete performs actions in the fencer's special outfit, which consists of a protective mask, weapons and a jacket. This creates an additional load on the athlete's organism and causes more intense work of the main functional systems: cardiovascular and respiratory. Signs of economizing the functioning of the cardiovascular system were identified in fencers by the age of 15. Positive dynamics in the increase in indicators of the respiratory system of fencers was registered. Indicators of the functional state of the external respiration system do not reliably differ from their peers.
Introduction. According to the strategy of the development of physical culture and sports for the period up to 2030, approved by the Russian Federation Government, great attention should be given to issues of forming and preserving health of sports reserve. Modern studies in the field of sports physiology have a direction towards identification of features and regularities of urgent and long-term adaptation responses, functional fitness of athletes’ organism.
Age of 14-15 years is considered as the complicated period from the standpoint of physiological changes: peak of puberty, related to an increase of gonadotropic, somatotropic and sex hormones; growth spurt; alteration of the vegetative support of the body’s activity (increase of parasympathetic influence), which could be accompanied by arrhythmia. Activity of the cardiovascular system also significantly changes. Changes in diameter of blood vessels reflects on registered numbers of arterial blood flow, which can be manifested as hypertension at this age. However, the analyzed age period is also sensitive in the development of physical qualities of a teenager. All changes, typical to the age period of 14-15 years, are registered in children, who do not engage in sports. Specificity of loads is reflected in indicators of main functional systems of the athlete's body. The main feature of fencing is that there is no possibility to form a stereotype in this type of sports, because all technical and tactical skills of the fencer are shown differently in every sports situation, which depends on the opponent’s actions. That is why performance’s power in competitive exercise can change rapidly and frequently, the fencer’s energy consumption also depends on power. Moreover, the athlete performs actions in the fencer's special outfit, which consists of a protective mask, weapons and a jacket. Weight of the equipment is 2,3 kg approximately, weapon’s weight is 500-700 kg. It creates an additional load on the athlete's organism and causes more intense work of main functional systems: cardiovascular and respiratory.
Thus, teenagers, who engage in fencing from the age of 9-10, should be more adapted in comparison with peers. On the other hand, due to features of competitive and training activity of the fencer, disorders in body’s functioning can appear. In scientific literature, the available studies are dedicated to the development of specific for fencing physical qualities, analysis of technique and tactics of the game [9], morphological features [1, 3, 5], model characteristics [4], functional asymmetry of fencers [5, 6]. Data about functional states of young fencers aged 14-15 years, showing features of performance of cardiac and respiratory systems, is insufficient, which determined relevance and purpose of this study.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system of 14-15 years old fencers.
Methods and organization. Thirty athletes aged 14-15 years participated in the study: epee fencers of the stage of sports specialization of the second and third years of training. At the moment of examination, fencing experience was 4-5 years. Sports grade – 1st junior (50% in the 14-year old group, 30% in the 15-year old group) to the 2nd and 1st sports grades (50% had the 2nd sports grade in the 14-year old group, 70% had the 1st grade in the 15-year old group). The study was carried out within staged comprehensive control. In order to evaluate parameters of the cardiovascular system, heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were registered using mechanical pulsometer. Using formulae of common use, following hemodynamic indicators were registered: systolic volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), stroke volume (SV), Robinson index (double product – DP), mean blood pressure (BPmean), pulse pressure (PP), cardiac index (CI). The evaluation of the external respiration system included identifying a number of indicators, characterizing pulmonary ventilation: vital capacity (VC) (using mechanical spirometer SP-1); breath-holding tests on inhale and exhale. Due values of VC (DVC) and life index (LI) were calculated. In order to check the statistical validity, Statistica 22.0 was used. In order to compare results of the study between 14- and 15-year old fencers, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was used.
Results and discussion. Significant adaptation changes in performance of the cardiovascular system in athletes by the age of 15 were identified in values of following indicators: HR, CO, BPmean, DP, CI (P≤0,05). According to some researchers, the significant increase of HR with increasing age is related to the increase in activity of parasympathetic influences on the cardiac activity (Table 1).
Significant changes of BPmean in the 15-year old group indicates that mechanisms of blood pressure regulation in teenagers is incomplete.
Increase of CO in 15-year old athletes is supported by a decrease of HR and increase of SV, which confirms the improved gas transport function, increase of myocardial contractility and serves as a sign of adaptation to physical loads.
Positive tendency of changes in the PD indicator by the age of 15 indicates increase of metabolic processes in myocardium and improvement of elasticity and ropiness of blood vessels of athletes, increase in amount of blood flowing into the bloodstream in case of ventricular systole [2].
Table 1
Age-based changes in indicators of cardiohemosynamics of 14-15 years old fencers (x¯±mx)
Indicators |
14 years old fencers |
15 years old fencers |
P≤0,05 |
HR, beats/min |
80,9 ± 2,4 |
69,8 ± 3,1 |
P≤0,05 |
CO, l/min |
2,9 ± 0,1 |
3,7 ± 0,2 |
P≤0,05 |
SV, ml |
41,6 ± 2,1 |
45,5 ± 2,4 |
P>0,05 |
BPmean, mm of Mercury |
69,3 ±1,4 |
79,4 ± 2,9 |
P≤0,05 |
PP, mm of Mercury |
46,5 ± 3,6 |
50 ± 4,4 |
P>0,05 |
DP, c.u. |
69,5 ± 3,2 |
87,1 ± 4,1 |
P≤0,05 |
Cardiac index, c.u. |
1,8 ± 0,1 |
2,3 ± 0,1 |
P≤0,05 |
Body length, cm |
168,8 ± 2,7 |
169,6 ± 2,4 |
P>0,05 |
Body mass, kg |
55,7±3,7 |
56,4 ± 2,8 |
P>0,05 |
Analysis of indicators of the current functional state of the respiratory system of fencers aged 14-15 years did not reveal significant differences between groups (Table 2).
In both groups of athletes, VC was 66 and 69% of due values respectively. It is possibly related to the period of puberty. During this age-related period, respiratory functions are limited by the fact that chest size is in arrears of height indicators, processes of forming airways are not complete. Volume indicators depend on the stage of puberty [7, 8]. Moreover, training and competitive activity of fencers is performed in special equipment. Because of it, exhale and inhale are difficult for athletes. It contributes to the development of discomfort when performing technical and tactical actions and requires long-term adaptation. Short and fast attacks with a hit are performed in hypoxic conditions, caused by a breath delay at the hit moment, which can be manifested through disturbance in the breathing rhythm. Performance of external respiration functions are connected with physical development, height, body mass and elasticity of respiratory muscles. During hypoxic tests, fencers demonstrated results equal to those of peers, who did not engage in sports (Table 2).
Table 2
Age-related changes in indicators of the respiratory system of fencers aged 14-15 years (x¯±mx)
Indicators |
14 years old fencers |
15 years old fencers |
P≤0,05 |
VC, l |
3,2±0,4 |
3,6±0,2 |
P>0,05 |
DVC, l |
4,8±0,2 |
4,9±0,2 |
P>0,05 |
Fact. VC, % |
66±9 |
69±3 |
P>0,05 |
LI, l/kg |
55±5 |
59±3 |
P>0,05 |
Breath-holding test on inhale, s |
39±5 |
46±3 |
P>0,05 |
Breath-holding test on exhale, s |
22±4 |
26±1 |
P>0,05 |
Average indicators of fencers aged 14 and 15 years in the breath-holding test on inhale was 39±5 s and 46±3 s respectively, indicators of non-athletes were 38 s, which means that 14-year old fencers do not differ from their peers, 15-year old fencers have increased values in the test. Indicators of fencers in the
breath-holding test on exhale corresponded to the age norm.
Physiologists and sports medicine doctors characterize metabolic processes in myocardium and adaptation of the respiratory center to oxygen deficit using hypoxic tests [7, 8]. It is important to give attention to the extension of capabilities of the respiratory system of fencers within the training process.
Conclusion. As a result of the conducted study, quantitative indicators of the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory system of young fencers aged 14-15 years were obtained. Revealed changes are characterized by signs of economization of functioning of the cardiovascular system in 15-years old fencers. Performance of the respiratory system of fencers is characterized by positive dynamics of the improvement of reserve capabilities, but it is worth paying attention to the need of developing general endurance of respiratory muscles of young athletes during the training process. Time should also be contributed to respiratory exercises in preparatory and final parts of training sessions.
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Information about the author: Yulia Pavlovna Salova – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Anatomy, Physiology, Sports Medicine and Hygiene of the FSBEI of HE “Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports”, Omsk, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..