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Publication date: 01.06.2021
DOI: 10.51871/2588-0500_2021_05_02_24
UDC 612.821
A.V. Skotnikova, V.A. Aleksandrova, V.B. Solov’yov, V.I. Ovchinnikov
Institute of Natural Science and Sports Technologies of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia
Key words: primary school children, physical development, comprehensive program of training.
Annotation. The existing system of physical culture nowadays requires a serious update, which was dictated by a number of facts: new life reality, prevalence of sedentary lifestyle among children of different age, harmful influence of electronics (gadgets, computers), deterioration of general state of health in children, identification of a number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the early stages of development. Modern children require a selection of modern means of training, which would be able to attract them, to interest them in any kind of motor activity. Considering all aforementioned facts, it follows that the given issue is multi-level in nature and requires a comprehensive approach and solution.
Introduction. Currently, such problems are particularly relevant in our country:
- deterioration of the state of health: problems of the musculoskeletal system, identification of chronic diseases, general decrease in organism’s resistance;
- decrease in the level of physical development – general evaluation of physical fitness;
- decrease in the involvement of students into the system of sports training [2, 7, 11, 12].
Another relevant issue is an issue of selecting new measures and methods of physical training for children, which allows not only have an accentuated impact on the development of physical qualities, but also to improve the motivational component of classes [1, 5, 12].
Methods and organization: testing, analysis of scientific and methodological literature.
For the present, we managed to implement several tasks. In 2019, the study was conducted on the evaluation of physical fitness of 4th grade students of five schools in Moscow [1].
A set of test exercises allowing evaluating each physical quality separately was selected.
Results and discussion. After conducted testing, it was revealed that in whole the level of development of physical qualities in primary school is low. The following data was obtained for each physical quality.
Among physical qualities with a low rating was flexibility, which was at the “low” level, 8.6% of children have an average level of flexibility and 10.6% – a level below average.
Among qualities, rating of which was higher, are coordination abilities and endurance. Concerning coordination abilities, a higher level was registered: in 50% of examined children it was rated as “high”, “above average – average – below average” – 14,6%, 14,8% and 21% respectively.
Endurance in 41% of children remained on the “high” level, “above average – average – below average” – 8,25%, 9,43% and 31,1% respectively.
Power abilities were more likely to have a low level of values – 62.8%.
According to obtained data, the level of development of speed- and power-related qualities was “high – average – below average – low”: 25,4%, 18,6%, 17,9% and 20,4% respectively [1, 2].
After getting the aforementioned information, a need was revealed to develop a comprehensive general educational program allowing to have an accentuated impact on not only specific physical qualities, which are the least developed, but also all qualities in whole, providing harmonious development.
As a result of the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, it was revealed that in most cases, both in the practice of general physical culture classes and in the system of additional education, the generally accepted means of gymnastics and playing sports are used: soccer, volleyball, outdoor games and also recovery measures, which are therapeutic exercises [2, 7, 12].
We analyzed existing systems of health improving physical culture, technology fitness, and came to a conclusion that given methods meet many requirements and demands of modern society, because they allow solving a health-improving task, are able to improve the motivational component of generally accepted classes due to obligatory musical background, accessible motor activity [2, 7].
The comprehensive program developed by us included five modules, either of which allowed to selectively influencing such physical qualities as speed, endurance, flexibility, coordination and power abilities. Using the program completely should allow for the harmonious physical development of primary school children.
The first module is called “Cross fit for children. Strong muscles and beautiful posture”. This module is a system of special exercises with weight bearing and without it, which has a number of directions: health improvement, formation of harmonic constitution, formation and maintenance of correct posture [3, 4].
The second module – “Dance aerobics. Dancing with fun”. This module was developed on the basis of aerobic dancing styles, which are performed with modern music. Latin dance aerobics and Hip-Hop aerobics are included in such programs [5, 6].
The third module – “Fitness aerobics. Stepping together”. This module was developed on the basis of exercises of classic aerobics, which is a synthesis of gymnastic exercises, types of running, jumping and skip-jumping, which are performed with musical accompaniment, the recommended intensity for children is 120-130 beats/min [4, 5].
The fourth module is “Fun fitness. Outdoor games”. Consists of various outdoor games, taking the individual level of children’s fitness into account and aiming at the development of such physical qualities as speed [9, 10].
The fifth module is “Stretching. Flexible child”. Stretching is a type of fitness exercises aimed at stretching muscles and strengthening ligaments [5, 8].
This program is currently on the stage of an active implementation in the process of the additional education of several schools in Moscow. At present, we already received feedback in form of positive reviews from both physical culture teachers and children. In two months, we will have to conduct a final assessment, as a result of which the indicators from the implementation of this program in the system of additional education of schoolchildren will be obtained and analyzed. The results of the study will be presented in future works.
- As a result of conducting comprehensive testing of physical fitness of primary school children, a low level of fitness was revealed.
- As a result of scientific and methodological literature the comprehensive program aimed at the development of physical qualities of children was developed.
- Currently, this program was included in the system of additional education of several schools in Moscow.
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Information about the authors: Anna Vyacheslavovns Skotnikova – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Adaptology and Sports Training of the INST MCU, Moscow, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Veronika Anatol’evna Aleksandrova – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Adaptology and Sports Training of the INST MCU, Moscow, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Vasilij Borisovich Solov’yov – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Adaptology and Sports Training of the INST MCU, Moscow, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Vladimir Igorevich Ovchinnikov – Assisstant of the Department of Adaptology and Sports Training of the INST MCU, Moscow, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..